Huws Gray is the UK’s largest independent builders’ merchant, supplying building materials to trade and DIY customers from over 250 locations across England, Scotland and Wales. Founded in 1990 from a single branch in Gaerwen, Anglesey, Huws Gray has rapidly expanded over the past 30 years, through organic growth and acquisitions.
In 2023, Huws Gray worked alongside the STV Children’s Appeal as headline sponsor of our Golf Day.
PDM Huws Gray said: “Signing up for the Kiltwalks provides our employees across Scotland with the opportunity to come together and bond as a team, whilst also supporting The STV Children’s Appeal. The focus is on the communities where we live and operate, and we’re delighted to do anything we can to help local children and families be warm, be fed and be happy.”
In 2024, Huws Gray staff are taking part in all four Kiltwalk events in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh in aid of the STV Children’s Appeal.